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Routledge Research in Employment Relations: Employment Relations under Coalition Government : The UK Experience, 2010-2015 37 (2016, Hardcover) book TXT, PDF, EPUB


Drawing on a wide range of up-to-date research, Employment Relations under Coalition Government critically examines developments in UK employment relations during the period of Conservative-Liberal Democrat government between 2010 and 2015, against the background of the 2007-08 financial crisis, subsequent economic recession and in the context of the primacy accorded to neo-liberal austerity. Contributions cover a series of important and relevant topics in a rigorous, yet accessible manner: labour market change and the rise of zero-hours contracts and other forms of precarious employment; policy development relating to young people's employment; the coalition's welfare-to-work agenda; its programme of employment law reform and its approach to workplace equality and health and safety; labour migration; the experience of the trade unions under the coalition and their responses; and developments in employment relations in the public services. This book addresses the broader issues relating to the coalition period, such as the implications of political and regulatory change for employment relations, including the greater devolution of powers to Scotland and Wales, and locates UK developments in comparative perspective. The book concludes with an assessment of the prospects for employment relations in the aftermath of the May 2015 Conservatives election victory., The key purpose of Work and Employment Relations under Coalition Government is to examine how work and employment relations have fared under the coalition during its period in office. Between 1997 and 2010 Tony Blair and Gordon Brown s Labour governments instituted some major changes to work and employment relations, not least a marked increase in the breadth and depth of individual legal rights and protections at work. Under the coalition government, however, and in the context of the aftermath and effects of the 2007-08 financial crisis and subsequent economic recession, there has been a notable shift in emphasis, perhaps most evident in efforts to reduce the regulatory burden on employers. Work and Employment Relations under Coalition Government will significantly add to our existing knowledge of work and employment relations by focusing on key developments under the coalition it took office in 2010; not only by examining the principal motivations, main features and key implications of its policy interventions, but also by placing them in a broader political, economic and comparative context, and by drawing attention to the notable degree of opposition they have frequently generated. In addition to focusing on key areas of work and employment relations policy under the coalition, there will also be a focus on relevant economic, employment and labour market developments. Importantly, as well as providing an overview of key policy issues and developments, chapters in Work and Employment Relations under Coalition Government will also dwell on the motivations and implications of the coalition s approach as appropriate. Additionally, the book will draw on developments in the UK under the coalition to elaborate upon some of the implications which arise for work and employment relations in a broader, international and comparative context."

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When Bowen began Half the Sky in 1998 determined to bring a caring adult into the life of every orphaned child, it seemed impossible that China would allow a foreigner to work inside government orphanages, let alone try to bring meaningful change.Ultimately, Uretsky offers insights into how complex socio-cultural and politico-economic negotiations affect the development and administration of China's HIV epidemic., Drinking, smoking, lavish banquets, and commercial sex-all personal vices West - are essential for building the informal networks that lead to political and economic success in China Occupational Hazards follows Chinese businessman and government official as they build their careers, revealing the vulnerability of China's seemingly powerful men to sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS.After nearly two years of increasing danger, he evaded his captors and fled to freedom.Both a riveting memoir and a revealing portrait of modern China, "The Barefoot Lawyer" tells the story of a man who has never accepted limits and always believed in the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle.", It was like a scene out of a thriller: One night in April 2012, China's most famous political activist-a blind, self-taught lawyer-climbed over the wall of his heavily guarded home and escaped.The Empire's magnificent military sibling, the Sunderland, is also featured and the book illuminates some less well known areas of the war, for example, the Norwegian campaign of 1940 and Australia's "Pearl Harbor." Extensively researched--drawing on personal letters and diaries, government papers, contemporary newspapers, and archive material from Imperial Airways and its successors--this book reveals all about the Empire flying boat and the people who designed, flew, and traveled in them."NEW YORK TIMES "BESTSELLER - Featured in the PBS documentary "The Harvey Girls: Opportunity Bound"The legendary life and entrepreneurial vision of Fred Harvey helped shape American culture and history for three generations--from the 1880s all the way through World War II--and still influence our lives today in surprising and fascinating ways.Eve D'Ambra is Associate Professor in the Department of Art at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.It features cutaways and reconstructions of the Colosseum, the Pantheon and other World Heritage buildings.He became Augustus, Rome's first Emperor and founder of the greatest empire the world had ever seen.This book is an entrepreneurial story about Pam and Gela, two best friends who started a business with $200 in Gela's apartment, and follows their journey of building that business from scratch, selling a brand, entering the corporate world, and creating a billion-dollar empire.In Politics and Power in Late Fatimid Egypt, Kirsten Thomson offers an examination of this leader as well as highlighting the context within which he lived: the relations between different empires, ethnic and religious relations, sectarianism and the overlap of secular and religious power.This process has occurred without significant political change that would empower politically disadvantaged groups such as the urban and rural poor.They balanced careful growth with innovative tactics--sending Madonna a tracksuit with her nickname, Madge, embroidered on it--and created a unique, bold, and unconventional business plan that was all their own: the Glitter Plan.