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Fighting Fraud and Corruption : Guidelines and Best Practices for Building an Effective Compliance Program by Ryan C. Hubbs read online TXT, DJV, EPUB


A practical manual for compliance program design and implementation "Fighting Fraud and Corruption" is a one-stop resource for the design and execution of an effective compliance program. Stop combing through the myriad regulatory guidelines to translate vague expectations into a compliance outline--it's all here. Written from an auditor and investigator's perspective, this book compiles the specific examples, ideas, and best practices scattered across the literature into a single reference. You'll find solutions and actionable steps for enhancing your existing program or developing one from scratch, alongside clear interpretations of regulatory compliance expectations. All guidelines are translated into actual processes, procedures, and practices that you can implement right away, and examples of specific compliance components illustrate and streamline successful execution. Globally relevant, the discussion includes source material guidelines and information from the UK Bribery Act, United Nations, World Bank, OECD, and other international anti-corruption bodies. Having a good "tone at the top" is a criterion for an effective compliance program, but what does it mean? This book is packed with interpretations and actionable guidance to help you build a more robust compliance strategy. Learn what an "effective compliance program" entails Enhance or improve your current compliance strategies and practices Understand the regulatory expectations surrounding compliance Implement components from successful programs in your own organization The compliance landscape is rapidly changing, with new international laws, expectations, and standards being implemented on a near continuous basis. Organizations are under increasing pressure to design, implement, and maintain an effective compliance program, but regulatory examples are minimal. "Fighting Fraud and Corruption" fills the need for practical guidance with expert insight and ready-to-implement procedures., Numerous regulations, standards, and expectations are placed on organizations to design, implement, and manage an "effective compliance program." But what does that mean? Examples that are attached to regulatory guidance may be high level or minimal in nature. Specific examples, ideas, and best practices are scattered across various categories of literature making it difficult to design an effective program. This book is a one stop shop for compliance professionals and senior level executives who are looking for ideas, solutions, and best practices to enhance or improve their current compliance programs. It is designed to highlight the expectations of compliance and provide examples of compliance components that organizations can implement in their own programs.

Fighting Fraud and Corruption : Guidelines and Best Practices for Building an Effective Compliance Program by Ryan C. Hubbs ebook FB2, DOC, TXT

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