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Read online book Routledge Handbook of Islamic Law (2017, Hardcover) EPUB, FB2


This Handbook is a detailed reference source comprising of original articles covering the origins, history, theory and practice of Islamic law. Previous publications on this topic have approached Islamic law from practically every disciplinary and pedagogical perspective (philology, history, sociology, anthropology etc.) except that of the study of law. The real challenge is that there are a number of historical and doctrinal aspects of Islamic jurisprudence that cannot be properly evaluated unless the functions and processes of legal cultures and the patterns of legal thought are also taken into account. This comparative perspective has a direct bearing on the structure and selected topics of this book: Part I: Approaching Islamic Law Part II: Sources and Origins of Islamic Law Part III: The Emergence and Dynamics of Islamic Law: The Classical Legacy Part IV: Praxis and Islamic Law Part V: Substantive Fields of Islamic Law Part VI: Islamic Law: Transformation and Modernity Part VII: Islamic Law and the Challenges of the Age of Globalization With contributions from a selection of highly regarded scholars in this field, the Routledge Handbook of Islamic Law is an essential resource for students and scholars who are interested in the field of Islamic Law.

Routledge Handbook of Islamic Law (2017, Hardcover) by read online ebook EPUB, FB2

S. HODGE,, July 2013 'A culinary odyssey through 8,000 years of Mesopotamian culture and some of the world's oldest recipes, preserved on 3,700-year old cuneiform tablets.' RALPH BLUMENTHAL, The New York Times First edition awarded the Gourmand World Cookbook Special Jury Award 2007 Originally self-published in 2003, Delights from the Garden of Eden became an underground bestseller and award-winner.Archaisms and cryptic language are avoided, and the Arabic meaning preserved by respecting the context of the discourse.It explores the enduring legacies of trauma and societal divisions, the complex and continuing impacts of past mass violence, and the role of transitional justice in the aftermath of mass atrocities in Asia.By attending to the tourist imaginary at work in hallyu cinema, Choe helps us to better understand the complexities, anxieties, and tensions of East Asia's new affective economy as well as Korea's shifting culture industry, its relation to its past, and its role in a rapidly changing region."1.The book is packaged with a 70-minute CD containing examples of the music discussed in the text."Dodgers" is a dark, unforgettable coming-of-age journey that recalls the very best of Richard Price, Denis Johnson, and J.D.